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Albee Family Dental


Phone (585) 225-8010
Address 1081 Long Pond Rd,
Rochester, NY 14626 United States


Discover exceptional general dentistry with a personal touch at Albee Family Dental, where Dr. Jennifer Albee's passion for oral health shines through every treatment she provides as a premier dentist in Rochester. Boasting an impressive track record spanning two decades, Dr. Albee specializes in addressing complex dental conditions such as TMJ disorders and bruxism while also managing sleep apnea with innovative approaches. A commitment to continuous learning ensures that patients benefit from the most up-to-date techniques available today. Whether you require regular preventive maintenance or desire transformative cosmetic enhancements like veneers or dental implants, Dr. Albee's focus on delivering top-notch care is unwavering. Experience the difference at Albee Family Dental, where your smile is our pride and joy.

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